How to play guitar the simplest way part 1

You might have seen some people playing guitar and you have a desire to play guitar like that person. In reality, it take 5 to 10 years to be a professional guitar player. For someone who never play guitar, they can learn and play two or three simple chord in a day. First of all you have to know the instrument before you learn the chord.

Number for each finger

Chord is  a combination of three or more pitches sounded simultaneously. Chord can be played on guitar by pressing guitar string. The most general and simple key chord is C major and A minor.  Usually major chord is written in capital letter only. For example if letter 'm' is added after the C chord, it meant that the chord is a C minor.  C major chord or C chord are usually played in 'happy' mode song whilst minor chord is a sad or passionate if played in fast tempo. Before you can learn the chord, you have to tune all the strings according to standard guitar tuning. The biggest string is in low E tune and the smallest strings in high E tune. Here is the tune for a guitar - low E - A - D - B - G - high E. 

C major chord

C major


A minor


Chord progression is is a series of musical chords, or chord changes that "aims for a definite goal" of establishing (or contradicting) a tonality founded on a key, root or tonic chord. In other words, the succession of root relationships. Chords and chord theory are generally known as harmony. Chord progression are also known as chord changing or transition from it's first chord which is the key for the song. If you already know C and Am (A minor) chord, follow this example of simple chord progression of C - Am - C - Am - C - Am. Strum the chord using guitar pick with your right hand four times for each chord.

1. Strum the C chord
2. Strum the Am chord

Now try this chord progression of C - G - Am - F

1. C major
2. G major

4. F major chord
3. Am chord

Chord progression for A minor chord.  Am - F - C - G

1. A minor
2. F major

3. C major
4. G major

In another chord progression of C or Am, E minor and D minor chord are also added.
E minor chord
D minor chord

This simple chord progression originated from classical music such as Canon by Pachelbel and Air On G Strings by J.S. Bach.

1.  C - Em - Am - G - F - Em - Dm - G 

2.  C - G - Am - F

Try play play this chord progression two or four times strum for each chord.

1. Am - Dm - G - C - F - Dm - Em

2. Am - F - C - G -

This Chord progression begin with minor key. You can hear it in many sentimental ballad or classical influence songs. Originated from European classical music composed by Mozart, Beethoven and Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov. Hopefully this lesson and guide will teach you to play guitar. Just remember to practice the chord and chord progression. In a week you can impress somebody for your guitar playing.

How To Play Guitar The Simplest Way Part 2

If you're looking for the most easiest way to play like super mega guitar shredder, than you are a fool. Because  no body can learn and play like a pro level in a day or two. this is not the site you're looking for. To be a monster guitar shredder you must learn from basic. It will take you about 5 to 10 years for you to be a professional guitar player. The most important thing you must learn first is guitar chord.  
If you come to this site from
than may be you have already now to play some basic guitar chord like the C, G and F major.
Chord progression which begin with the C major key can also be play from another chord.
Let's see what is the other major chords.

A little reminder - major chord will always be written in capital letter of E F G A B C or D.
Minor chord are written as Em Fm Gm Am Bm Cm or Dm.

Lesson 1. Play the A major barre chord in this picture.  In music, a barre chord (also known as bar chord or rarely barr chord) is a type of guitar chord, where one or more fingers are used to press down multiple strings across the guitar fingerboard (like a bar pressing down the strings), enabling the guitarist to play a chord not restricted by the tones of the guitar's open strings. Barre chords are often referred to as "moveable" chords, as the whole hand may easily be moved up and down the neck, "in one movement". Commonly used in most popular and classical music, they are frequently used in combination with "open" or standard guitar chords. Though slightly affecting tone quality, fretting a chord transposes, or raises, the chord a number of half-steps higher, similar to the use of a capo. In a simple sentences, barre chord means your no.1 finger is doing a "capo" which is a fretted or shortening the playable length of the strings. From the first fret you can easily move this fingering barre chord to a higher fret until the highest fret (near guitar body) without changing any of your finger.

A major barre chord

The unmarked dot in the graph meant to be press with your number 1 finger lower part like in the above picture.

Now move it back to the next fret. this A major chord now is sharp or the pitch is one fret higher. The name of this one fret transition chord is A# or A sharp major.

Play the A chord again, this time move it one fret lower. This chord is A flat. You can play the flat or sharp minor for any other kind of  barre chord or common chord.
Just remember, whenever the basic chord is out of it's original place it is in flat or sharp key.

If you loose the press of finger no 2 and pressing to lower fret of supposed finger no 2 fret with the lower part of finger no 1, the chord harmony sound minor. This is an Am barre chord.

Lesson 2. Now Let's learn and play this minor chord.

A m - You can play the barre Am chord which is similar to Gm chord picture above. But make sure you place them on the right fret which is the number 5 fret.
B flat minor - place the B m chord to one fret lower.
C m - you can play C minor by placing the same finger similar to B minor on fret no 3.  
Practice pressing the chord with your finger and memorize it.

Lesson 3. Let us begin this lesson by practicing these chord progression of-
A - F#m - D - E

Lesson 4. Chord progression of G key chord
 G - Em - C - D 

Lesson 3. D major key chord -
D - Bm - G - A 

lesson 4. F flat or C# key chord -
F flat (C#) - Cm - G - D

Lesson 5. Now have a try of this chord progression started in major key chord.
1.    A - E - Fflat - E - D - Cflat - Bm - E 

2.     G - D - Em - D - C - Bm - Am - D

3.     F - C - Dm - C - Bflat - Am - Gm - C

4.    D - A - Bm - A - G - Fflat m - Em - A